Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Are these songs available in Sheet Music?
NOT MANY. If you see PDF on the Song Page, it is available. Otherwise it is NOT! We do not have the license to sell PDF's for most copyrighted songs.
Can songs be "transferred" from one church to another?
No. Songs are NOT transferrable. Each church/organization must have it's own account. Royalties are paid based on sales.
How often are new songs added to the inventory?
Approximately 15-30 songs are added weekly based upon customer requests and the ability to obtain the proper licenses.
Must I own the songbook in order to purchase a song?
No, it is not mandatory, but recommended.
Why are only the melody notes included in some songs?
Some publishers/copyright holders do not allow the copying of harmony/parts. In those instances, only the melody line has been digitized.
Also, some songs are written for unison singing in which case only the melody line is digitized.
How do I know if a song is melody line (lead line) or 4 part harmony?
Where possible, we have included a preview of the first 2 lines showing what part(s) are included in the ppt. We've also added the words "Lead Line" to songs with melody only.
Are Copyright Licenses - CCLI, - required in order to project these songs?
All copyrighted songs require the necessary license in order to project/copy the song in any way. The Copyright tab on a song page will indicate what license, if any, is required in order to project the song. Public domain songs do not require a license.
Can I Request a Song?
If you don’t see the song you’d like to purchase, you can order it by completing the New Song Request form.
- You must have an account with Digital Songs and Hymns.
- Submit your request.
- We will notify you if we do NOT have the book from which you are requesting the song.
- If you are requesting a song from any downloadable source such as Praisecharts, Song Select, LIfeway Worship, etc, PLEASE ATTACH THE MUSIC to the Song Request form.
- After we evaluate the request, we will send you an invoice based on the pricing listed.
- After the invoice has been paid, we will get to work.
- When the song has been digitized and uploaded, you will receive an email notifying you that it has been added to your Song Library and is available for download.
- New Song Requests will be digitized in the order received.
PLEASE LIMIT your New Song Requests to 2 per week. We will do our best to digitize and upload the songs to your account within 10 days of your order. If that is not possible, we will notify you of the anticipated date of completion. Your monies will be refunded if the song cannot be completed by the date needed.
- You must have an account with Digital Songs and Hymns.
Why aren't all of the songs available in both the widescreen and regular formats.
As of February 1, 2017, we've added a "new feature" to our songs. Customers can now choose either the standard format (which we've been doing all along) or a widescreen format. All songs going forward will include both formats. If you'd like a particular song done in widescreen (one that is currently in the regular format), please contact Caryn. We will add it to the website within 24 hours, if possible.
Can I transpose the Key of the song?
No. However, if you'd like to request that a song be transposed, simply contact Caryn. Include the name of the song, the book/source, the key desired and date needed. Please allow 10 days (minimum) for us to redigitize the song for you. We may request that you send the music if it is not from a source we own.
Can I choose to download less than the 15 formats in which each song is digitized?
No. Currently, each song comes in all 15 formats. Most customers save the format(s) they use on a regular basis and delete the rest. In the event another format is needed, the song can be redownloaded since it is stored in your account.
Billing Questions
Can I "try" before "buying"?
Yes, you can. There are 2 free songs on the home page which you can download--one in melody only, and one in 4 part harmony.
How do I Prepay and Save?
You can purchase PrePay and Save cards from Digital Songs and Hymns. Then apply that card at checkout and every song is discounted. The larger amount of PrePay card, the larger your discount.
Discounts are as follows:
- $25 - 3%
- $100 - 10%
- $200 - 15%
- $300 - 20%
- $500 - 30%
- $800 - 50%
To put money on your account:
- Login (or create an account)
- Purchase a PrePay and Save card.
- When that transaction is complete, go back and browse for songs to purchase.
- Once songs are added to your Cart, apply your PrePay card and enjoy your discounts!
Money on your account never expires!
Start saving today! Please note that Prepaid Monies are not refundable and discounts do NOT apply to CD's or songs digitized for individual organizations.
Once a song is purchased are there any additional fees?
No. Each song will be stored in your account. You can redownload it at any time, but will not pay for it more than once.
My organization does not have a credit card. Can I send a check?
Our payment of choice is PayPal. In some cases, checks are accepted. Please contact us to work out arrangements.
How much will this cost my church or organization?
The cost depends on the number of songs purchased each week as well as what type of songs are purchased--public domain or copyrighted songs. Public domain songs are $2.99 each and copyrighted songs begin at $4.99 each. CD's of 100 preselected songs are also available from many songbooks at a cost of $149.95 each. Discounts for prepayment are also available.
If I purchase the wrong song, can I receive a credit?
Yes! We supply the source for most songs to minimize incorrect downloads, however, we understand that our customers do not have all of the books listed. If you should download a song that you cannot use, please contact us, explaining the situation and what book/source you'd like the song from. If we cannot get the song done before it is needed, we will credit your account or refund your monies.
PowerPoint Questions
Why are there so many titles for the same song?
Songs vary with each songbook. We have digitized the songs to match the version your instrumentalists play.
Do these files interface with other worship software programs?
Yes. The songs are PowerPoint files which can be inserted in most software programs. We are not aware of any worship software programs that do not allow for the insertion of ppt files.
What is the difference between the New Format and the Old Format of PowerPoint files?
Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.