Home SWING WIDE THE GATES - Shaped Notes
SWING WIDE THE GATES - Shaped Notes-ppt

First Line:

Heaven’s gates I now can see

Songbook: Songs of Faith - Double Oak Press

Page Number: 184

Song Key: F

Language: English

Authors: Horace L. Mauldin

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


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Swing wide the gates I’m coming home
Swing wide the gates I’m one of His own
I’ve fought a good fight I’ve kept the faith
Amazing grace has won the race
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home

Verse 1
Heaven’s gates I now can see
As they open wide for me
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home
Angels sing a welcome song
And I know it can’t be long
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home

Verse 2
What a day that day will be
When I cross the mystic sea
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home
With my Lord I’ll ever be
Throughout all eternity
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home

Verse 3
When I land on heaven’s shore
Cares of life will be no more
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home
All is joy and peace up there
In a land of beauty rare
Swing wide the gates I’m coming home

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