1 God's Holy Spirit came
with rushing wind and fire,
Christ's comfort here to comfort, bless,
and to inspire.
The Spirit thus began
God's holy work on earth
at Pentecost, a gift that gave
the church its birth.
2 God sent the Spirit forth,
fulfilling prophets' word,
to those who followed Jesus and
who called him Lord.
Disciples gathered near
the temple courts in prayer.
The Spirit blew and rested on
those clustered there.
3 God's Spirit filled each one
as Jesus had foretold.
In many tongues they spoke God's Word,
renewed and bold.
""Repent and be baptized, ""
preached Peter in that hour,
and thousands came, believing by
the Spirit's power.
4 God's church alive today
continues to proclaim
salvation's by the Spirit's power
in Jesus' name.
Let all believers now
their tongues and lives employ.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost:
our highest joy!