1 O God, why have you cast us all away?
Why does your anger burn against your fold?
We are your sheep: remember us, O LORD,
those you redeemed, your heritage of old.
2 The enemy destroyed your holy place,
and they reviled your worship in the land.
How long will evil ones still scoff and sneer
before you raise, O LORD, your powerful hand?
3 Yet from of old you are our mighty King;
you work salvation out upon the earth.
The seas divided by your mighty power;
you crushed the heads of dragons in the depths.
4 The streams are yours to open up or dry;
the day is yours, and yours the shining sun.
At your command stars whirl in place at night,
earth's bounds are set, and changing seasons run.
5 Remember, LORD, how enemies have mocked,
how they, with sneering jests, revile your name.
Come, save your doves from those wild, raging beasts;
do not forget us in this time of shame.
6 Remember your own covenant with us,
for earth's dark places seethe with rage and greed.
Do not forget the clamor of your foes,
but come, defend yourself and us, we plead.