1 Praise God, ye servants of the LORD,
and bless his name with one accord.
O praise the LORD, his name adore
from this time forth forevermore.
2 From rising unto setting sun
praised be the LORD, the Mighty One.
He reigns o'er all, supreme in might,
above the heavens in glory bright.
3 On whom but God can we rely,
The Lord our God who reigns on high,
who condescends to see and know
the things of heaven and earth below?
4 He lifts the poor and makes them great;
with joy he fills the desolate.
Praise ye the Lord and bless His name,
His mercy and His might proclaim.
5 The barren woman feels is power
And comes to sacred motherhood,
Adorns with grace the home of man.
Sing hallelujah! God is good.