May the God of hope go with us every day,
Filling all our lives with love and joy and peace.
May the God of justice speed us on our way,
Bringing light and hope to every land and race.
Praying, let us work for peace,
Singing, share our joy with all,
Working for a world that's new,
Faithful when we hear Christ's call.
God will be our shepherd as we go our way
and will not forsake us when we go astray.
Even though the load of life is hard to bear,
we must not forget that God is always there. (Refrain)
iDio de la esperanza, danos gozo y paz!
Al mundo en crisis, habla tu verdad.
Dios de la justicia, mándanos tu luz.
Lu y esperanza en la oscuridad.
Oremos por la paz,
cantemos de tu amor,
luchemos por la paz,
fieles a ti, Señor.
Dios será muestro pastor en el camino
no nos abandonará cuando nos perdimos.
La vida es una carga pesada,
pero Dios siempre nos ayudará. (Refrain)