1 The kingdom of our God is like a
treasure trove concealed
beneath the ground, for which one sells
all else to buy that field,
all else to buy that field.
2 The kingdom of our God is like a
mustard seed in size
which grows to offer nesting space
for every bird that flies,
for every bird that flies.
3 The kingdom of our God is like
the yeast a woman takes
and mixes in to leaven each
and every loaf she bakes,
and every loaf she bakes.
4 The kingdom of our God is like
a merchant who, to own
the rarest pearl, sells everything
to gain that pearl alone,
to gain that pearl alone.
5 The kingdom of our God is like
a net which has been cast
and draws in good and bad which must
be sorted out at last,
be sorted out at last.