1 All people that on earth do dwell,
sing to the LORD with cheerful voice.
Serve him with joy, his praises tell,
come now before him and rejoice!
2 Know that the LORD is God indeed;
he formed us all without our aid.
We are the flock he comes to feed,
the sheep who by his hand were made.
3 O enter then his gates with joy,
within his courts his praise proclaim.
Let thankful songs your tongues employ,
O bless and magnify his name.
4 Because the LORD our God is good,
his mercy is forever sure.
His faithfulness at all times stood
and shall from age to age endure.
Vous, qui sur la terre habitez,
chantez à pleine voix, chantez,
rejouissezvous au Seigneur,
egayezvous à son honneur.
Juich Gode toe, bazuint en zingt,
Treedt nader tot gij Hem omringt,
gij aard' alom, zijn rijksdomein,
zult voor den HEER dienstvaardig zijn.
On pueblos todos alabad
en alta voz a Diois cantad,
regocijaos en su honor
servid alegres al Señor.