1 Blest are the contrite hearts:
God's kingdom comes for them.
Blest are the wronged and grieving ones:
they shall be comforted.
2 Blest are the gentle meek:
they shall receive the earth.
Blest are those hungry for the right:
they shall be satisfied.
3 Blest are the merciful:
mercy they shall receive.
Blest are the ones whose hearts are pure:
they surely shall see God.
4 Blest, those who reconcile:
children of God are they.
Blest are those hurt for Jesus' sake:
God's rule shall make them whole.
5 Blest, you who suffer harm
when it is for Christ's sake.
Bear with the persecuting ones:
God shall give you great joy.
6 Act like the salt of earth:
salt without taste is waste.
Shine like a lighthouse in the night;
hide not your lamp of love.
7 Point to our covenant Lord
with every word and deed;
then all may see the works you do
and praise the Lord our God.