Verse 1
Every knee shall bow to Thee,
precious Lamb Who bowed for me.
No more shall they kneel in scorn;
no more shall Thy crown be thorns.
Shame is shames, and fear has fled,
for Thou art risen from the dead.
Every knee shall bow to Thee,
precious Lamb Who bowed for me.
Verse 2
Every tongue shall sing to Thee,
risen Lamb Who lives in me.
Vacant is Thy jail-like tomb;
vanquished are its chains, its gloom.
Thou art free, thus so am I,
and through Ty triumph death shall die!
Every tongue shall sing to Thee,
risen Lamb Who lives in me.
Verse 3
Every tribe shall come to Thee,
worthy Lamb, so speak through me.
Kingdoms, kindreds, tribes, and tongues--
out of each shall praise be sung.
Make from every shade and race
a tapestry of lavish grace!
Every tribe shall come to Thee,
worthy Lamb, so speak through me.