Home I WAS IN HIS MIND - Lead Line
I WAS IN HIS MIND - Lead Line-ppt

First Line:

I was in His mind before the worlds were made

Songbook: Living Praise Hymnal

Page Number: 49

Song Key: C

Language: English

Authors: Jane LaRowe

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


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I was in His mind before the worlds were made,
I was in his mind before earth's frame was laid,
because he knew me, because he loved me!

I was in His tho'ts the night He prayed for me,
I was in His tho'ts before Gethsemane,
because he saw me,
because He loved me!

I was in His heart when Calv'ry's hill He climbed,
I was in His heart when he died for all mankind,
because he sought me, because he loved me!

I am in His mind, and soon he'll come for me,
I am in His mind with Him in heav'n to be,
because He wants me, because he loves me,
because he loves me!


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