Home WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST - with Spanish - Lead Line
WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST - with Spanish - Lead Line-ppt
WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST - with Spanish - Lead Line

First Line:

We are all one in Christ

Songbook: Evangelical Lutheran Worship 2006

Page Number: 643

Song Key: E minor

Language: English

Authors: Anonymous, tr. Gerhard M. Cartford

Tune Name: SOMOS UNO

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


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We are all one in Christ,
we are one body,
all one people out of many.
We are all one in Christ,
we are one body,
all one people out of many.
There is one God, and only one Lord;
there is one faith, one holy love.
There is one baptism;
there is one Spirit,
who is God the comforter.

Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno.
Somos uno, uno solo.
Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno.
Somos uno, uno solo.
Un solo Dios, un solo Senor,
una sola fe, un solo amore.
Un solo bautismo, un solo Espiritu
y esees el cosolador.


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