First Line:

We are His, Jehovah’s bride! We are one with Heaven’s King.

Songbook: churchworksmedia.com

Song Key: C

Language: English

Authors: Chris Anderson, Greg Habegger

PowerPoint Slides (.ppt)


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We are His, Jehovah's bride!
We are one with Heaven's King.
Lifted to the Savior's side,
With elation let us sing.
Who are we to wed the Lord—
To be held in His embrace?
Drawn by love's descending cord,
We are His, a bride of grace.
We are His, a bride of grace.

We are His, a cherished bride,
Loved at such a lavish price—
Heaven's justice satisfied,
Paid by Heaven's sacrifice.
Who are we, to be adored
By the Lamb who took our place?
Held by love's almighty cord,
We are His, a bride of grace.
We are His, a bride of grace.

We are His, a faithful bride,
And our hearts within us burn.
"Come Lord Jesus, " we have sighed;
For our Groom alone we yearn.
How we long for our reward—
To behold His lovely face.
Safe in love's eternal cord,
We are His, a bride of grace.
We are His, a bride of grace.

Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!


  • Church Works Media


  • CCLI

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