1 Why leave a heavenly mansion?
Why choose a simple stall?
Why wander poor and homeless,
The King and Lord of all?
Why heal a lonely beggar?
Why cause the blind to see?
The light of all creation,
Shining there for me.
It was for me He cried, for me He died,
For me He shed His blood upon a tree.
It was for me He came, for me His shame;
For me, oh praise His name, it was for me.
2 Why stay in Olive's garden?
Why spend the night in prayer?
Why suffer such betrayal
In anguish kneeling there?
Why leave His mother crying?
Why set Barabbas free?
The spotless Lamb of heaven
Given there for me.
3 The King who came from heaven,
To the cry, ""There is no room, ""
Now must lay His weary body
In a cold and borrowed tomb.
But the grave, it would not hold Him;
Death lost its victory.
The risen Lord of glory
is living now for me.