Fountain of grace at Calvary,
the Son of God has died for me.
Grace undeserved so full and free,
this fount of grace has rescued me.
A fount of grace God now provides
To all who turn to Jesus Christ.
Hearts cleansed by faith, the, Spirit filled,
Equal they stand at Calv'ry's hill.
And to this fount each day I go,
confessing sin he already knows;
And in His grace he pardons me-
this fount of grace keeps cleansing me. Chorus
Fountain of grace for others, too,
but in my pride I them refuse.
I lift myself above their state,
and scorn to share this fount of grace. Chorus
O Lord, to You in shame I bow,
hypocrisy confessing now;
I revel in grace shown to me,
yet hold it back from those in need. Chorus
This fount of grace from Calvary
is free to all, not just to me;
So how cn I this grace deny
to someone else's desperate cry? Chorus