1 Now to the Holy Spirit let us pray
for true faith, most needed on our way:
Guide us and defend us when life is ending
and our journey homeward is tending.
Lord, have mercy.
2 O sweetest Love, your grace on us bestow;
set our hearts with sacred fire aglow,
that with hearts united we love each other,
every stranger, sister, and brother.
Lord, have mercy!
3 Transcendent comfort in our every need,
help us neither scorn nor death to heed,
that we may not falter, nor courage fail us
when the foe shall taunt and assail us.
Lord, have mercy!
4 Shine in our hearts, O Spirit, precious light,
that we Jesus Christ may know aright
clinging to our Savior, whose blood has bought us,
who to our true homeland has brought us.
Lord, have mercy!