1 God so loved the world He gave His only Son,
Once born in Bethlehem:
Christ the King, Christ, the King.
Our Savior heaven sent. Christ the King.
For all who will believe
will not perish but live:
for all who will believe in the Son.
For all who will believe
will not perish but live;
For all who will believe, life has come.
2 God so loved the world He gave His only Son,
Behold Emmanuel:
God with us, God with us, .
Oh hear the first Noel, God with us. (Chorus)
3 God so loved the world He gave His only Son,
who paid our sacrifice
at the cross, at the cross.
The fullness of new life, at the cross. (Chorus)
4 God so loved the world He gave His only Son,
this gift is yours and mine:
will you come, will you come?
Where hope and mercy shines: will you come? (Chorus)