You formed us in your image, Lord;
You call us your own children.
In you, each one is loved, adored —
Unique among the millions.
Bless, Lord, the families
Who know the joy: Christ claims and frees!
Bless, too, the ones who weep,
Forgetting that you love them.
You made our homes to honor you
With love the strong foundation.
In serving God and neighbor too,
We find our life's vocation.
Bless families large and small
Who love and serve you when you call.
Bless, too, the ones who fear —
Whose trust and love are shattered.
Christ loved and honored family,
Yet showed us what is greater.
He taught a higher loyalty
To God our good Creator.
Bless, Lord, the ones who long
To build up homes where faith is strong.
Bless children, women, men
Who risk to serve your kingdom.
In home and church our faith is formed;
We learn your love and caring.
From here we're called to face the storm,
Your love and justice bearing.
Each day your Spirit sends!
We go to strangers, neighbors, friends.
Peace, justice, joy we bring