1 In Adam we have all been one,
One huge rebellious man;
We all have fled that evening voice
That sought us as we ran.
2 We fled thee, and in losing thee
We lost our brother too;
Each singly sought and claimed his own;
Each man his brother slew.
3 But thy strong love, it sought us still
And sent thine only Son
That we might hear his shepherd's voice
And, hearing him, be one.
4 O thou who, when we loved thee not,
Didst love and save us all;
Thou great Good Shepherd of mankind,
Oh, hear us when we call.
5 Send us thy Spirit, teach us truth;
Thou Son, oh, set us free
From fancied wisdom, self-sought ways,
And make us one in thee.
6 Then shall our song united rise
To thine eternal throne;
Where with the Father vermore
And Spirit, thou art one.