Blessed are the poor in spirit;
all God's realm is surely theirs.
Those in mourning will find comfort
as an answer to their prayers.
Meek ones whom this world despises
will inherit everything.
God, your kingdom still surprises;
may we seek the reign you bring.
Blessed, too, are those who hunger
and who thirst for what is right.
They will not be prone to wander,
for your will is their delight.
Those who show God's care and mercy
will receive that mercy too.
God, in Christ you show us clearly
of the joy we have in you.
Those who share the peace God gives them
will find blessings as God's own.
Those oppressed for faithful living
will call heaven's kingdom Home.
When the world's ways seem distressing
and we feel life's painful sting,
God, remind us of the blessings
of the wondrous life you bring.