All my heart adores You, Jesus,
Oh how real You are to me!
Next to You there is no other;
You alone, the One I need.
Your eternal love sustains me,
Vital as the air I breathe;
Rival loves are but as nothing
Once Your beauty I have seen.
Why do I adore You, Jesus?
What moved me to give my heart?
As I dwell upon Your nature,
Grace will always stand apart.
From of old You chose to love me;
What was there in me to love?
You have put away my sinfulness,
You have made me pure with God.
Grateful, I adore You, Jesus,
I cannot Your cross ignore;
Blood-red drops of death compel me
To devote to You much more!
Can I look upon Your anguish,
Can I see Your agony,
And shall not my soul adore You,
Smitten by such love for me?
Worthy, worthy are You, Jesus,
To receive such lofty praise!
Worthy, worthy are You, Jesus;
You, the Lamb for sinners slain!