1 Alleluia, alleluia!
hearts to heaven and voices raise:
sing to God a hymn of gladness,
sing to God a hymn of praise;
he who on the cross a victim
for the world's salvation bled
Jesus Christ, the king of glory,
now is risen from the dead.
2 Alleluia, Christ is risen!
death at last has met defeat:
see the ancient powers of evil
in confusion and retreat;
once he died, and once was buried:
now he lives for evermore,
Jesus Christ, the world's redeemer,
whom we worship and adore.
3 Christ is risen, Christ the first fruits
of the holy harvest yield,
which will all its full abundance
at his second coming yield.
Then the golden ears of harvest
will their heads before him wave,
ripened by his glorious sunshine
from the furrows of the grave.
4 Alleluia, alleluia!
glory be to God on high:
alleluia to the Saviour
who has won the victory;
alleluia to the Spirit,
fount of love and sanctity:
alleluia, alleluia
to the Triune Majesty!