Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, His the sceptre, His the throne.
Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone.
Hear the songs of all the Christians Thunder like a mighty flood:
Out of ev'ry tribe and nation, Christ redeemed us by his blood.
Alleluia! Praise the Savior! He is with us even now.
Alleluia! We'll be like Him; Faith believes, nor questions how.
Tho' the cloud from sight received Him As He entered heaven's door,
We shall not forget His promise, "I am with you evermore."
Alleluia! What a Savior! Sing His praises ev'ry day.
Alleluia! Friend of sinners, He has taught us how to pray;
He's the righteous intercessor, He's the sinner's perfect plea;
We shall live with Him in heaven Throughout all eternity.
Alleluia! Christ is worthy To receive our grateful praise:
Since He is the great Jehovah, We should serve Him all our days.
He is worthy of all worship; Let our voices loudly ring.
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus; He's the everlasting King!