1 Soon a day is coming, it draweth night
when a host shall gather in the sky.
And through clouds, like thunder will the LORD descen..d
When He comes, the Judgment Day begins.
Every foe that stands against You shall fall on bended knee.
Every doubting eye shall see You return triumphantly.
Every tongue that has denied You shall cry that you are LORD.
You are Lord (You are Lord.) Christ is LORD!
2 Mighty God, Messiah, the Prince of Peace,
high exalted name above all names.
Name that casts out demons, causes death to cease--
lifted up and worthy to be praised! (Chorus)
3 And they call Him Jesus, He saves from sin
every soul who calls upon His name!
He's the conquering Lion, the redeeming Lamb,
Worthy One, who died for sinners slain! (Chorus)