Come and join the celebration! Praise the Lord and gladly sing.
Hear the gospel proclamation: God in Christ changed everything!
Tell again the wondrous story; let your praises rise above.
God, we sing and give you glory for your everlasting love.
Sing with joy, for on a Sunday friends of Jesus went to grieve.
Soon they found his tomb was empty; telling others, they believed.
God of miracle and wonder, Jesus died and lives again.
Death has lost, for you are stronger; all creation sings, "Amen!"
God, we sing, for there is nothing that can keep your love away —
Not oppression, hardship, famine, things to come or things today.
Heights and depths cannot defeat us; death will never be the same.
Christ is risen! So you promise: we have life in Jesus' name.
Sing with joy, each generation! Sing with those who've gone before.
Join the kingdom celebration, old and young, both rich and poor.
We have life, for we're forgiven; where, O death, is now your sting?
Born of dust, we're claimed for heaven, so let all God's people sing.