- Come, O Thou Traveler unknown,
Whom still I hold, but cannot see;
My company before is gone,
And I am left alone with Thee;
With Thee all night I mean to stay,
And wrestle till the break of day. - I need not tell Thee who I am,
My misery and sin declare;
Thyself hast called me by my name;
Look on Thy hands, and read it there!
But who, I ask Thee, who art Thou?
Tell me Thy name, and tell me now. - Yield to me now, for I am weak,
But confident in self-despair;
Speak to my heart, in blessing speak,
Be conquered by my instant prayer.
Speak, or Thou never hence shalt move,
And tell me if Thy name is Love! - ’Tis Love, ’tis Love! Thou diedst for me!
I hear Thy whisper in my heart!
The morning breaks, the shadows flee;
Pure universal Love Thou art:
To me, to all, Thy mercies move;
Thy nature and Thy name is Love.

First Line:
Come, O Thou Traveler unknown, Whom still I hold, but cannot see;
Songbook: Our Great Redeemer's Praise
Page Number: 577
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: Charles Wesley
Tune Name: CANDLER
Themes: Testimony
Composer: Scottish melody
Arranger: Richard Torrans
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- Richard Torrans
- Public Domain