First Line:

From Heaven above to earth I come, To bring good news to every one;

Songbook: Lutheran Book of Worship 1978

Page Number: 51

Song Key: C

Language: English

Authors: Martin Luther


Themes: Christmas

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From Heaven above to earth I come,
To bring good news to every one;
Glad tidings of great joy I bring,
To all the world and gladly sing.

To you, this night, is born a Child
Of Mary, chosen mother mild;
This newborn Child, of lowly birth,
Shall be the joy of all your earth.

This is the Christ, God' Son most high,
Who hears your sad and bitter cry;
He will himself your Savior be 
And from all sin will set you free.

The blessing which the Father planned
The Son holds in his infant hand,
That in his kingdom, bright and fair,
You may with us his glory share.

Theses are the signs which you will see
To let you know that it is he:
In manger-bed, in swaddling clothes
The child who all the earth upholds.

How glad we'll be to find it so!
Then with the shepherds let us go
To see what God for us has done
In sending us his own dear Son.

Look, look, dear friends, look over there!
What lies within that manger bare?
Who is that lovely little one!
The baby Jesus, God's dear Son.

Welcome to earth, O noble Guest,
Through whom this sinful world is blest!
You turned not from our needs away!
How can our thanks such love repay?

O Lord, you have created all!
How did you come to be so small,
To sweetly sleep in manger-bed
Where lowing cattle lately fed?

Were earth a thousand times as fair,
And set with gold and jewels rare,
Still such a cradle would not do
To rock a prince so great as you..

For velvets soft and silken stuff
You have but hay and straw so rough
On which as king so rich and great
To be enthroned in humble state.

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Prepare a bed, soft, undefiled,
A holy shrine, within my heart,
That you and I need never part.

My heart for very joy now leaps,
My voice no longer silence keeps;
I too must join the angel-throng
To sing with joy his creadle-song:

"Glory to God in highest Heaven,
Who unto us his Son has giv'n."
With angels sing in pious mirth:
A glad new year to all the earth!

Composer: V. Schumann, "Geistliche Lieder", 1539

Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!

Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.

All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.


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