1.Give me insight to learn your commands,
for you made me and fashioned me, LORD.
May your saints, when they see me, rejoice,
since I placed all my hope in your word.
2.LORD, I know that your judgments are just;
you have faithfully disciplined me.
May your merciful love bring relief,
as you promised your servant in need.
3.Show me mercy that I may have life,
for your law is my constant delight.
Shame the proud who defame me with lies;
I will ponder your precepts aright.
4.Those who fear you, LORD, turn them to me,
so they learn to discern your decrees.
Teach my heart to be pure in your laws,
that no shame or disgrace come to me.

First Line:
Give me insight to learn your commands, for you made me and fashioned me, LORD.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 119J
Song Key: E minor
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Themes: Psalm 119
Composer: Donald M. MacDonald, b. 1944; Harm. Andrew Gordon, b. 1969
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
NEW! This PowerPoint File has been recently updated to our new format!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- Free Church of Scotland Psalmody Committee, 2003