1. God, all nature sings thy glory,
and thy works proclaim thy might:
ordered vastness in the heavens,
ordered course of day and night,
beauty in the changing seasons,
beauty in the storming sea;
all the changing moods of nature
praise the changeless Trinity.
2. Clearer still we see thy hand in
man whom thou hast made for thee:
ruler of creation’s glory,
image of thy majesty.
Music, art, the fruitful garden,
all the labor of his days,
are the calling of his Maker
to the harvest feast of praise.
3. But our sins have spoiled thine image;
nature, conscience only serve
as unceasing, grim reminders
of the wrath which we deserve.
Yet thy grace and saving mercy,
in thy Word of truth revealed,
claim the praise of all who know thee,
in the blood of Jesus sealed.
4. God of glory, power, mercy,
all creation praises thee;
we, thy creatures, would adore thee
now and through eternity.
Saved to magnify thy goodness,
grant us strength to do thy will,
with our acts as with our voices
thy commandments to fulfill.

First Line:
God, all nature sings thy glory, and thy works proclaim thy might:
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 253
Song Key: G
Language: English
Authors: David Clowney, 1960
Tune Name: ODE TO JOY
Themes: Creation
Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship