1. God, in the gospel of his Son,
makes his eternal counsels known;
where love in all its glory shines,
and truth is drawn in fairest lines.
2. Here sinners of a humble frame
may taste his grace and learn his name;
may read, in characters of blood,
the wisdom, pow’r, and grace of God.
3. The pris’ner here may break his chains;
the weary rest from all his pains;
the captive feel his bondage cease;
the mourner find the way of peace.
4. Here faith reveals to mortal eyes
a brighter world beyond the skies;
here shines the light which guides our way
from earth to realms of endless day.
5. O grant us grace, almighty Lord,
to read and mark your holy Word;
its truths with meekness to receive,
and by its holy precepts live.

First Line:
God, in the gospel of his Son, makes his eternal counsels known;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 170
Song Key: A
Language: English
Authors: Benjamin Beddome
Tune Name: GERMANY
Themes: God's Word and Law
Composer: William Gardiner, "Sacred Melodies"
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain