1.God is our refuge and our strength,
ever-present aid;
and therefore, though the earth gives way,
we will not be afraid.
Though mountains fall into the sea,
though waters foam and roar,
we will not fear, though mountains quake
as waves engulf the shore.
2.A river flows, whose streams delight
the city of our God—
the holy place where God the LORD
Most High makes his abode.
Since God is in her holy midst,
the city will not move,
for God will come at break of day;
her helper he will prove.
3.The nations rage, the kingdoms shake,
when God in might appears.
He speaks, and at his mighty voice
the whole earth melts in fear.
The LORD of hosts, Almighty God,
is with us to the end,
the God of Jacob is for us
a fortress and defense.
4.O come, behold the mighty works
that God the LORD has wrought,
the fearsome desolations he
to all the lands has brought.
He causes wars to cease on earth;
he breaks the bow and spear.
The LORD ignites the chariots
to burn in blazing fire.
5.Be still, and know that I am God,
on earth exalted high;
and all the nations of the world
my name will glorify.
The LORD of hosts, Almighty God,
is with us to the end;
the God of Jacob is for us
a fortress and defense.

First Line:
God is our refuge and our strength, ever-present aid;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 46A
Song Key: B flat
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: BETHLEHEM (Fink) (SERAPH)
Themes: Psalm 46
Composer: Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842
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