1.God shall arise and by his might
put all his enemies to flight;
his triumph will be glorious.
When those who hate him, scattered, flee
before his pow’r and majesty,
our God will be victorious.
For just as wind blows smoke away,
he will disperse the proud array
of those who evil cherish.
Like wax that melts before thefire,
they will be vanquished by God’s ire;
the wicked all will perish.
2.Now let the just with joyful voice
in God’s victorious might rejoice;
let them exalt before him!
O sing to God, his praise proclaim,
and with your psalms extol his name;
in joyful song adore him.
Lift up your voice and sing aloud
to him who rides upon the clouds
high in the spacious heavens.
The LORD—that is his glorious name.
Rejoice in him with loud acclaim;
to him be glory given.
3.He, father to the fatherless,
defense of widows in distress,
is in his habitation.
God, in the goodness of his grace,
gives lonely ones a dwelling place;
he grants them consolation.
He leads the captive out to see
the joys of newfound liberty,
for bounteous is God’s mercy.
But who against him dare rebel
must evermore with famine dwell
in deserts dry and thirsty.
4.O God, when you went on ahead
and through the barren desert led
the flock you had assembled,
you caused the earth to quake and cow’r;
O God of Isr’el, great in pow’r,
before you Sinai trembled.
You with abundant rain, O Lord,
your weary heritage restored
and, as you had decided,
you let your people settle there;
you blessed them with your lavish care
and for the poor provided.
5.When God but spoke his mighty word,
great was the host whose shouts were heard
as they proclaimed their tidings:
“The kings are fleeing in despair!
Our women in the plunder share,
the spoils of war dividing!
To those who stayed at home they bring
as gift a dove with silvered wings
and brightly gilded feathers.”
Before the Lord the kings all fled
like drifting snow on Zalmon spread
by blasts of stormy weather.
6. O Bashan’s mountain, massive height,
far higher than all peaks in sight,
so great in rugged grandeur!
O you whose tops are seen from far,
whose peaks so high and num’rous are,
majestic in their splendor!
Why do you still with envy look
at Zion’s mount, which God once took
and made his throne’s location?
There he forevermore will dwell;
the LORD once made this humble hill
his glorious habitation.
7.God’s chariots, mighty to behold,
are twice ten thousand thousandfold;
the mountains quaked and trembled.
From Sinai, God victoriously
came down into his sanctuary,
in Zion all assembled.
When you, O Lord, went up again
you led your captives in your train
with tribute in abundance;
gifts, too, from those who rebels were
that you, LORD God, for evermore,
might dwell there in resplendence.
8.Blest be the Lord, who on our way
provides for us, and day by day
upholds us by his power.
God of salvation is his name;
this glorious name shall we proclaim.
He is our shield and tower.
Our God, the LORD, is strong to save
from mortal danger, from the grave
and ev’ry cruel oppression.
But God will crush the heads of foes,
the hairy crown of him who goes
in ways of foul transgression.
9.The Lord has spoken: “My own hand
will bring your foes from far-off lands;
from Bashan I will guide them.
From the remotest shores and seas
I will retrieve your enemies,
though ocean depths should hide them,
for I your triumph will complete,
that you with joy may bathe your feet
in blood of conquered nations
and see your dogs lap up their share,
as for my people I prepare
my righteous vindication.”
10.Thy solemn throngs are gathered here;
to God my King do they draw near.
They come with sounding cymbals:
the singers first, the minstrels last,
and in among them, filing past,
the maidens play their timbrels.
In this great congregation’s throng
let God be praised in joyful song,
O Jacob’s generation.
There Benjamin, the smallest clan,
leads Naphtali and Zebulun,
Judah and all the nation.
11.Lord, let your glorious pow’r be known;
show us the strength on which your own
have in the past depended.
Because you have your temple here,
kings in Jerusalem appear
with gifts for you intended.
Rebuke the beasts among the reeds,
both bulls and calves, those filled with greed,
all who in war take pleasure.
Let envoys come from Egypt’s land;
to God let Ethiopia’s hand
stretch out to give its treasure.
12. Praise God and shout his glory forth,
O kings and kingdoms of the earth!
In joyful song adore him.
Praise him who rides the ancient sky,
who thunders forth his battle cry;
let all bow down before him.
Proclaim his pow’r and spread his fame,
for great in Isr’el is his name;
his might is in the heavens.
O awesome God, you from your throne
with pow’r and glory bless your own.
To you all praise be given!

First Line:
God shall arise and by his might put all his enemies to flight;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 68A
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: W. W. J. VanOene, 1972
Tune Name: GENEVAN 68
Themes: Psalm 68
Composer: Strasbourg Psalter, 1539 / Genevan Psalter, 1551; Harm. Howard Slenk, 1985
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise of the Canadian Reformed Churches
- Faith Alive Chr. Res.