1 Heaven opened to Isaiah,
showing him God's glorious throne.
Lord of might, high and exalted;
temple flowing with his robe,
Seraphim flew all around him,
humbled at the holy sight.
As they circled they were singing,
calling out with all their might.
""Holy, holy, you are holy, ""
every angel voice proclaims,
""All the earth reflects your glory,
every tongue sings out your praise!""
2 Seraphim continue singing,
cherubim still lift their praise.
Earth and all its creatures worship,
moon and stars are still amazed.
Now above creation's chorus
comes another fervent cry:
all of earth's redeemed are singing,
""Glory to the Lord on high!""
3 One day heaven will be opened
and before the Savior's throne,
saints from every time and nation
will begin their endless song:
""To our God of all salvation,
to the high and holy Lamb,
to the blessed Holy Spirit
be forever praise. Amen!""