1. Holy Spirit of Messiah,
you we praise and you we love.
Guarantee of our salvation,
sent to earth from heav’n above.
At the time of God’s appointment
came the Spirit of the Lord,
on a lowly virgin resting
to fulfill God’s cov’nant Word.
2. New creation’s mighty Spirit
brought to life the promised Seed.
Virgin Mary he o’ershadowed,
life within her womb conceived:
holy Son of God and sinless,
born to set his people free;
fully God and fully human:
this, the Spirit’s mystery.
3. Jesus grew in pow’r and wisdom
through the Spirit of the Lord.
To the sacred Scriptures open,
grace and truth on him outpoured.
Knowing more than all his teachers,
Jesus loved his Father’s will;
all the Spirit’s fruit indwelling,
perfect man did he fulfill.
4. In the Jordan River baptized,
stood our Prophet, King, and Priest.
God the Spirit tore the heavens,
coming down on him to rest.
Like a dove on Christ remaining,
fitting him to bear our sin,
“You, my Son, beloved and pleasing”—
heaven testified of him.
5. Spirit-filled beyond all measure,
Spirit-led to fight our foe,
Son of Adam in the desert
wandered in our curse and woe.
By the ancient serpent tempted,
Christ obeyed where Adam failed.
Crafty lies he fought with Scripture;
by the Spirit he prevailed.
6. In the Spirit’s power serving,
Jesus made the blind to see.
He proclaimed God’s gracious kingdom,
taught with great authority.
Demons fell before the Savior,
struck by his almighty breath.
Spirit-sent, he preached the gospel,
freed the slaves and saved from death.
7. Gentle Spirit of the Servant
filled the Christ to help the weak.
Jesus came to save the needy;
damaged reed he will not break.
Shrinking not from hellish torments,
Jesus cried for help from God;
by the Holy Spirit’s power,
offered up his precious blood.
8. Hallelujah! Christ is risen,
mighty conqueror of our doom,
by the Spirit vindicated,
breathing life into his tomb.
Christ is now life-giving Spirit,
raising up those dead in sin,
by his Word and by his Spirit,
gath’ring all the nations in.
9. Holy Spirit of Messiah
come with Christ on Judgment Day.
Come, O Spirit, come as fire,
Breath of Christ, his foes to slay.
New creation’s mighty power
now outpoured on desert sand,
come and make the desert blossom!
Come and fill Emmanuel’s land!

First Line:
Holy Spirit of Messiah, you we praise and you we love.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 401
Song Key: F
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Themes: The Holy Spirit
Composer: Attr. to B. F. White, 1844; harm. Ronald Nelson, 1978
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Augsburg Fortress
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