1. How vast the benefits divine
which we in Christ possess!
We are redeemed from sin and shame,
and called to holiness.
’Tis not for works that we have done,
these all to him we owe;
but he of his electing love
salvation doth bestow.
2. To thee, O Lord, alone is due
all glory and renown;
aught to ourselves we dare not take,
or rob thee of thy crown.
Thou wast thyself our Surety
in God’s redemption plan;
in thee his grace was given us,
long ere the world began.
3. Safe in the arms of sov’ereign love
we ever shall remain;
nor shall the rage of earth or hell
make thy sure counsel vain.
Not one of all the chosen race
but shall to heav’n attain;
here they will share abounding grace,
and there with Jesus reign.

First Line:
How vast the benefits divine which we in Christ possess!
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 426
Song Key: B flat
Language: English
Authors: Augustus M. Toplady, 1774; Rev. Dewey Westra, 1931
Tune Name: BETHLEHEM (Fink)
Themes: Election
Composer: Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1842
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain