1. I will sing of my Redeemer
and his wondrous love to me:
on the cruel cross he suffered,
from the curse to set me free.
Sing, O sing of my Redeemer!
With his blood he purchased me;
on the cross he sealed my pardon,
paid the debt, and made me free.
2. I will tell the wondrous story,
how my lost estate to save,
in his boundless love and mercy
he the ransom freely gave.
Sing, O sing of my Redeemer!
With his blood he purchased me;
on the cross he sealed my pardon,
paid the debt, and made me free.
3. I will praise my dear Redeemer,
his triumphant pow’r I’ll tell,
how the victory he giveth
over sin and death and hell.
Sing, O sing of my Redeemer!
With his blood he purchased me;
on the cross he sealed my pardon,
paid the debt, and made me free.
4. I will sing of my Redeemer
and his heav’nly love to me;
he from death to life has brought me,
Son of God, with him to be.
Sing, O sing of my Redeemer!
With his blood he purchased me;
on the cross he sealed my pardon,
paid the debt, and made me free.

First Line:
I will sing of my Redeemer and his wondrous love to me:
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 498
Song Key: G
Language: English
Authors: Philip P. Bliss, 1878
Themes: Love for Christ
Composer: James McGranahan, 1840-1907
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
NEW! This PowerPoint File has been recently updated to our new format!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- Public Domain