In joyous celebration, Lord,
we join to bring our praise.
With hearts in fullest gratitude,
our voices now we raise.
Accept our gifts of worship now,
and songs of love this day;
we seek to know Your will and way;
O teach us, Lord, we pray.
We yearn to know Your perfect plan
of love beyond compare;
and as we seek eternal truth,
Lord, keep us in Your care.
To grow each day in faith and hope,
Lord, nurture us, we pray;
then we shall lend the helping hand
that guides someone today.
The fellowship of Christian love
renews our soul indeed;
and hands extended in Your name
bring strength to those in need.
May we reflect the oneness, Lord,
designed in heav'n above;
then help us to be used by You
as channels of Your love.
In Jesus Christ, the servant life
is seen as Your decree;
that call awaits our firm reply,
in answer, "Here are we."
Demand the very best of us,
we'll share Your love, O Lord:
in faithful service we will be
Your church to all the world.