Hear the heart of heaven beating,
Jesus Saves
Jesus saves
And the hush of mercy breathing,
Jesus Saves
Jesus saves
Hear the host of angels sing,
Glory to the Newborn King
And the sounding joy repeating,
Jesus savesSee the humblest hearts adore Him.
Jesus saves
Jesus saves
And the wisest bow before Him
Jesus saves
Jesus saves
See the sky alive with praise,
Melting darkness in its place
There is life forevermore,
Jesus saves
Jesus savesHe will live our sorrow sharing,
Jesus saves
Jesus saves
He will die our burden bearing
Jesus saves
Jesus saves
"It is done!" will shout the cross,
Christ has paid redemption's cost!
While the empty tomb's declaring
Jesus savesFreedom's calling, chains are falling,
Hope is dawning bright and true
Day is breaking, night is quaking,
God is making all things new.
Jesus savesOh to grace, how great a debtor!
Jesus saves
Jesus saves
All the saints who shout together.
"I know that Jesus saves."
Rising us so vast and strong lifting up salvation's song,
The redeemed will sing forever, the redeemed will sing forever, the redeemed will sing forever,
Jesus saves
Jesus saves

First Line:
Hear the heart of heaven beating, Jesus Saves Jesus saves
Songbook: LifewayWorship.com compatible
Song Key: C
Language: English
Authors: Travis Cottrell and David Moffitt
Arranger: Travis Cottrell and Charlie Sinclair
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
Updated Format! Beginning in November of 2016, we changed the way we formatted our PowerPoint files. The font is larger and the staff lines are bolder, making the songs easier to read from a greater distance, including smaller screens/monitors in the rear of the sanctuary.
All songs digitized previous to that date are in the "older" format.
- adm. Music Services
- The Loving Company
A CCLI license is required to legally project/copy this song. For more information or to purchase a license, contact www.ccli.com