1. Lo, what a glorious sight appeared
before admiring eyes:
the former things all passed away,
the former earth and skies.
From heav’n the new Jerus’lem came,
for Christ, as bride prepared.
A voice resounding from the throne
these wondrous things declared:
2. “Now God has come to dwell with men,
and moved his blest abode.
His people they shall be at last,
and he shall be their God.
His gracious hand shall wipe the tears
from ev’ry weeping eye,
for pain and grief shall be no more,
and death itself shall die.”
3. The One who sat upon the throne
said, “I make all things new!
Write down the words that you have heard,
for they are firm and true.
It is all done, and by my pow’r
is paradise restored.
I am the First, and I the Last,
the one eternal Lord.
4. “Come, all who thirst! To you I will
my healing water give.
Drink from my fountain without price
and so forever live.
Blest is the man who, conquering,
his heritage has won,
for I will be his faithful God
and he shall be my son.
5. “As for the vile and faithless ones,
those who my will defy
are thrown into the burning lake,
and death itself shall die.”
We, too, shall stand before the throne;
then shall our names be found
recorded in the Book of Life.
How shall our joy abound!

First Line:
Lo, what a glorious sight appeared before admiring eyes:
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 384
Song Key: B flat
Language: English
Authors: Isaac Watts, 1707
Tune Name: ST. MATTHEW
Composer: William Croft, 1708
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain