1.LORD, to you my soul is lifted;
O my God, in you I trust.
Let me not be put to shame, LORD;
let my foes not o’er me boast.
Surely none who wait for you
shall be brought to shame and ruin.
Traitors will be put to shame
for their baseless, vile transgression.
2.Make me know your paths and teach me;
LORD, direct me in your ways.
Lead me in your truth and teach me;
you’re the God of saving grace.
All day long I wait for you.
LORD, remember your compassion,
call to mind your steadfast love,
which are yours from everlasting.
3.LORD, remember not my failings,
nor transgressions of my youth.
By your steadfast love and mercy,
LORD, remember me in truth.
Good and upright is the LORD,
guiding sinners meek and lowly,
leading them in what is right,
teaching them his way most holy.
4.All God’s ways are truth and mercy,
full of love and faithfulness
for all those who keep his cov’nant
and his laws of righteousness.
LORD, forgive my grievous guilt;
for your name’s sake grant me pardon.
Who is he that fears the LORD?
God will lead the way before him.
5.He who fears the LORD shall prosper,
and his soul in peace shall dwell;
his descendants shall inherit
all the land of Israel.
For the friendship of the LORD
is for those who serve and fear him;
he makes known to them his love,
in his covenant draws near them.
6. I have turned my eyes to you, LORD;
from the net he’ll pluck my feet.
Turn to me, to me be gracious;
I am lonely in my grief.
How my troubles are enlarged!
Save me from my heart’s afflictions.
See my trouble and distress.
LORD, forgive all my transgressions.
7. See how many are my foes, LORD;
see their violence and scorn.
Guard my soul, from shame redeem me;
I take refuge in you, LORD.
Since I wait for you in truth,
may integrity preserve me.
Come to Israel, O God;
rescue him from all his suff’ring.

First Line:
LORD, to you my soul is lifted; O my God, in you I trust.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 25A
Song Key: G
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: GENEVAN 25
Themes: Psalm 25
Composer: Louis Bourgeois, 1551
Arranger: Claude Goudimel, 1565
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