1.Lord, you have ever been our dwelling place.
Before you made the world of time and space,
before you made the mountains and the earth,
eternal you are God; you gave them birth.
2.You turn all people back to dust and say,
“O child of man, to dust again decay.”
Because a thousand years are in your sight
like yesterday or like a watch by night.
3.To sleep in death you sweep them all away,
for they are like the grass at break of day—
although it springs up new with morning light,
it dries and withers when befalls the night.
4.Your wrath consumes us; we are sore dismayed.
We cannot hide our sins before your gaze.
Beneath your anger all our days pass by;
our years come to their finish like a sigh.
5.Our years amount to seventy in length,
or even eighty, if we have the strength.
And yet our days in grief and pain are passed;
they quickly end; away we fly at last.
6. Who understands your anger so severe?
Who knows your wrath according to your fear?
O teach us how to count our days aright;
that we may set our hearts on wisdom’s light.
7. Return, O LORD! How long will you delay?
Have mercy on your servants, LORD, we pray.
Each morning, LORD, replenish us with grace,
that we may sing, rejoicing all our days.
8. In place of our affliction, joy renew,
and gladness for the evil years we knew.
To all your servants may your deeds be shown,
your glory to their children, then, make known.
9. May God our Lord to us his kindness show,
and let his favor rest upon us now.
Establish ev’ry work our hands have done;
yes, Lord, for us establish them each one.

First Line:
.Lord, you have ever been our dwelling place. Before you made the world of time and space,
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 90B
Song Key: C minor
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: SUILVEN
Themes: Psalm 90
Composer: Andrew Gordon, b. 1969
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Free Church of Scotland Psalmody Committee, 2003