1.My God, my God, O why have you
forsaken me? O why
are you so far from saving me
and from my groaning cry?
By day and night, my God, I call;
your answer still delays,
and yet you are the Holy One
who dwells in Israel’s praise.
2.Our fathers put their trust in you;
from you salvation came.
They begged you and you set them free;
they were not put to shame.
But as for me, I am a worm
and not a man at all.
To men I am despised and base;
their scornings on me fall.
3.All those who look at me will laugh
and cast reproach at me.
Their mouths they open wide; they wag
their heads in mockery:
“Thisman has trusted in the LORD;
let God redemption send.
Now let his God deliver him,
for he delights in him.”
4.You took me from my mother’s womb
to safety at the breast.
Since birth, when I was cast on you,
you’ve been my God, my rest.
Be not far off, for grief is near,
and none to help is found;
for bulls of Bashan circle me,
strong bulls do me surround.
5.Like lion jaws they open wide,
and roar to tear their prey.
My heart is wax, my bones unknit,
my life is poured away.
My strength is dried like shattered clay;
my tongue sticks to my jaws;
you bring me to the dust of death,
and there you lay me down.
6. For see how dogs encircle me!
On every side there stands
a brotherhood of cruelty;
they pierce my feet and hands.
My bones are plain for me to count;
men see me and they stare.
My clothes among them they divide,
and gamble for their share.
7. Now hurry, O my strength, to help!
Be not far off, O LORD!
But snatch my soul from raging dogs,
and spare me from the sword.
From lion’s mouth and oxen horns
O save me; hear my pray’r!
To all the church, my brethren dear,
your name I will declare.
8. Let those that fear the LORD sing praise!
To him give glory now,
all Jacob’s seed, all Israel’s seed,
in awe before him bow.
For he did not despise nor spurn
the grief of one oppressed,
nor did he shun his cry for help,
but heard and gave him rest.
9. When I proclaim my praise of you,
then all the church will hear,
and I will pay my vows in full
where men hold him in fear.
The weak and poor will eat their fill
and thus be satisfied.
Those seeking him will praise the LORD.
So let your hearts abide.
10. All ends of earth will turn to him,
remembering the LORD,
all fam’lies of the earth shall come
and worship and adore.
Dominion to the Lord belongs;
he rules the nations well.
The proud of all the earth will bow
before him where he dwells.
11. All those whose souls descend to dust
will fall before his throne;
they cannot keep themselves alive,
they rest on him alone.
A seed shall serve him; future sons
will hear about the LORD.
His righteousness they will declare
to people yet unborn.

First Line:
My God, my God, O why have you forsaken me? O why
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 22A
Song Key: E minor
Language: English
Authors: "The Book of Psalms for Singing", 1973
Themes: Psalm 22
Composer: "English Country Songs", 1893; Harm. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Crown & Covenant Publications