1. My song forever shall record
the tender mercies of the Lord;
your faithfulness will I proclaim,
and ev’ry age shall know your name.
2. I sing of mercies that endure,
forever builded firm and sure,
of faithfulness that never dies,
established changeless in the skies.
3. Behold God’s truth and grace displayed,
for he has faithful cov’nant made,
and he has sworn that David’s son
shall ever sit upon his throne.
4. “For him my mercy shall endure,
my cov’nant made with him is sure;
his throne and race I will maintain
forever, while the heav’ns remain.”
5. Almighty God, your lofty throne
has justice for its cornerstone,
and shining bright before your face
are truth and love and boundless grace.
6. With blessing is the nation crowned
whose people know the joyful sound;
they in the light, O Lord, shall live,
the light your face and favor give.
7. Your name with gladness they confess,
exalted in your righteousness;
their fame and might to you belong,
for in your favor they are strong.
8. All glory unto God we yield,
the Lord God is our help and shield;
all praise and honor we will bring
to Israel’s Holy One, our King.
9. Blest be the Lord forevermore,
whose promise stands from days of yore.
His word is faithful now as then;
blest be his name. Amen! Amen!

First Line:
My song forever shall record the tender mercies of the Lord;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 89B
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: The Psalter, 1912
Tune Name: MARYTON
Themes: Psalm 89
Composer: H. Percy Smith
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain