1.My soul, bless the LORD! My God, you are great!
With honor arrayed, majestic in state,
you cover yourself with a garment of light,
and stretch out the sky as a curtain by night.
2.The beams of your courts in waters you laid;
on wings of the wind your pathway you made.
The clouds are your chariot; the winds do your will;
the flames and the lightnings your pleasure fulfill.
3.You set earth’s foundations firm and secure,
that earth may, unshaken, ever endure.
The deep like a garment about it you cast;
the waters stood high; over mountains they passed.
4.But at your rebuke the high waters fled;
your thunder they heard and quickly they sped.
The mountains arose, and the valleys sank low,
and went to the place you assigned them to go.
5.By limits you set, the waters are bound,
lest they should return and cover the ground.
You make springs pour water in valleys below,
and cause rushing streams in the mountains to flow.
6. The streams water all the beasts of the field.
The wild donkeys drink; their thirst is fulfilled.
The birds make their nests in the trees by the spring;
and there in the branches they joyfully sing.
7. You water the hills with rain from your sky,
with fruit of your works the earth is supplied.
To nourish the cattle you make grass to grow;
for man’s daily labor, the plants you bestow.
8. So man brings forth food by working the ground,
and wine makes his heart with gladness abound;
to make his face shine he extracts fragrant oil,
makes bread that will strengthen his heart for his toil.
9. The cedars of God in Lebanon dwell,
he planted them and he waters them well.
There birds build their nests and the storks live in firs;
the badgers and goats on high rocks make their lairs.
10. The moon you have set the seasons to show;
the sun will its time for each setting know.
When you make the darkness, the night follows day,
and beasts of the forest creep forth, seeking prey.
11. The young lions roar, from God seek their prey,
when sunrise begins, they all steal away,
and deep in their dens all day hide from the light,
while man works and labors from morning till night.
12. How many your works which fill all the world,
all creatures you made in wisdom, O LORD,
consider the ocean, how great and how wide,
where small and great creatures unnumbered abide!
13. Where ships sail the deep, Leviathans play;
these all look to you for food ev’ry day.
Whatever you give them they gather for food;
you open your hand, and you fill them with good.
14. When you hide your face, they’re filled with alarm.
When you take their breath, to dust they return.
When you send your spirit, created are they.
The face of the ground you renew ev’ry day.
15. O may the LORD’s glory evermore stand!
The LORD shall enjoy the works of his hand.
He looks on the earth and it trembles in fear;
he touches the mountains, the smoke then appears.
16. As long as I live, the LORD I will praise;
to God I will sing through all of my days.
May my meditation be pleasing to him;
my heart in the LORD then with gladness will brim.
17. Let wicked ones be consumed from the earth,
may sinners exist no longer henceforth.
My soul, bless the LORD! May his name be adored!
O sing hallelujah! Give praise to the LORD!

First Line:
My soul, bless the LORD! My God, you are great! With honor arrayed, majestic in state,
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 104B
Song Key: A flat
Language: English
Authors: "The Book of Psalms for Worship", 2009
Tune Name: LYONS
Themes: Psalm 104
Composer: Michaell Haydn, 1737-1806
Arranger: in William Gardiner, "Sacred Melodies", 1815
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- The Board of Education and Publication of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (Crown & Covenant)