1.O bless the LORD with all my soul,
let all within me bless his name.
Forget not all his benefits;
O bless the LORD, my soul proclaim.
The LORD forgives you all your sins,
and heals your sickness and distress;
your life he rescues from the grave,
and you he crowns with tenderness.
2.Your deepest longings he fulfills
from his unending stores of good,
so, like the eagle’s strength in flight,
your youthful vigor is renewed.
The LORD performs his righteousness,
and justice gives to suff’ring ones.
To Moses he made known his ways,
his mighty deeds to Isr’el’s sons.
3.The LORD is merciful and kind,
to anger slow, and full of grace.
He will not constantly reprove,
or in his anger hide his face.
He does not punish our misdeeds,
or give our sins their just reward.
How great his love—as high as heav’n—
to all of those who fear the LORD!
4.As far as east is from the west,
so far his love has borne away
our many sins, iniquities,
and all the guilt that on us lay.
Just as a father loves his child,
so God loves those who fear his name.
For he remembers we are dust,
and well he knows our feeble frame.
5.The days of man are like the grass,
and as a meadow flow’r he grows.
Its place will nevermore be known,
as winds pass over, and it goes.
But everlasting is God’s love
to those who fear him, and their seed;
his truth to those who cov’nant keep,
and all his precepts fully heed.
6.The LORD has set his throne in heav’n;
his mighty kingdom rules o’er all.
O you, his angels, bless the LORD,
you mighty ones who do his will.
O bless the LORD, you heav’nly hosts,
all you who serve his holy word.
Bless God, his works thro’out his realm,
and you, my soul, O bless the LORD!

First Line:
O bless the LORD with all my soul, let all within me bless his name.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 103B
Song Key: D
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Themes: Psalm 103
Composer: Michael Vehe, "Ein neue Gesangbuchlein", 1537
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!