1.O come, let us sing with joy to the LORD;
our Savior and rock, loud praises accord.
With thanks let us enter his presence and raise
our shouts of thanksgiving in psalms filled with praise.
2.How great is the LORD, our God and our King,
above all the gods, his greatness we sing.
Earth’s valleys and mountains he holds in his hand.
He made them and rules them—the sea and the land.
3.O come, let us bow and worship the LORD;
before him we kneel, with praises adore.
For he is our God; we’re the sheep of his hand,
and we are his people who dwell in his land.
4. Today if you hear the voice of the LORD,
then close not your hearts to God’s holy word,
like those in the desert of Massah that day,
like those who at Meribah would not obey.
5. Your fathers provoked and tested me there,
although in my works they saw my great care.
For forty long years I my people abhorred,
that whole generation which hardened its heart.
6. I said, “They have hearts that wander astray;
they do not affirm my excellent way.”
And so, in my anger, on oath I declared,
“The rest I have promised, they never will share

First Line:
O come, let us sing with joy to the LORD; our Savior and rock, loud praises accord.
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 95B
Song Key: G
Language: English
Authors: OPC/URCNA 2016
Tune Name: HANOVER (Croft)
Themes: Psalm 95
Composer: William Croft, 1708
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