1 O how blessed are the poor in spirit,
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
And how blessed are the sad and mournful;
They'll be consoled by God.
Blessed and happy we shall be.
Listen to the Master's word!
Soon the Kingdom's coming--watch and see:
the Kingdom of the Lord!
2 O how blessed are the meek and humble,
They will inherit the earth.
And how blessed those who hunger for goodness,
They all will feast with God. (Chorus)
3 O how blessed are the mercy givers,
Such mercy they will receive.
And how blessed are the pure in heart,
They surely will see God. (Chorus)
4 O how blessed are the true peaccmakers,
They will be known as God's children.
And how blessed those who suffer for justice,
They will be honored by God.