1.O LORD, in your great strength the king
has joy abundantly;
and he exults exceedingly
in your great victory.
What he desired within his heart
you fully have supplied;
what he requested with his lips,
you never have denied.
2.With gifts, O LORD, you welcomed him,
with blessings manifold;
and you have placed upon his head
a crown of purest gold.
When he requested life from you,
you life to him did give;
such length of days you gave to him:
forever he will live.
3.Your victory has made him great,
his glory does excel;
with splendor and with majesty
you have endowed him well.
For you will ever set on him
the blessings of your grace;
and make him glad eternally
with joy before your face.
4.The king upon the LORD relies;
his confidence is sure;
and through the love of God Most High,
the king is kept secure.
Your hand will search for enemies
and find out all your foes,
and all who harbor hate for you,
your right hand will oppose.
5.In anger you will burn them up
at your appointed hour;
in wrath, the LORD will swallow them,
in fiery flames devour.
Their fruit you will remove from earth,
their children from mankind.
Their evil plots will not succeed,
nor schemes they have designed.
6. For you will make them all retreat—
your arrows are in place—
they sit upon your bowstring, aimed
to strike them in the face.
In your almighty strength, O LORD,
exalt yourself on high;
then we will sing with psalms of praise,
your power glorify.

First Line:
O LORD, in your great strength the king has joy abundantly;
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 21B
Song Key: B flat
Language: English
Authors: "The Book of Psalms for Worship", 2009
Themes: Psalm 21
Composer: Henry S. Cutler, 1872
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Crown & Covenant Publications