O Lord, you called disciples, proclaiming, "Come and see!"
And so an invitation began your ministry.
Then Andrew called his brother, and Peter came to you;
More men and women followed, and little children, too.
You met a busy woman out in the noon-day sun.
You shared God's love, you listened; you told all she had done.
She called her friends and neighbors and brought them face to face
With you, the living water, the bearer of God's grace.
O Christ, your invitation has reached from year to year!
Through some who heard you calling, a church was founded here.
As faithful people served you so many years ago,*
They soon invited others; your church began to grow.
God, by your Holy Spirit, now send us in your name
To serve the lost and outcast, the poor for whom you came.
Through gifts of hope and healing, through loving ministry,
May we reach out, inviting the world to "Come and see!"