1. O righteous, in the Lord rejoice;
how pleasant that with joyful voice
God’s saints his name should praise.
With harp and hymn of gladness sing,
your gift of sweetest music bring,
to him a new song raise.
2. Let all the earth the Lord God fear;
let all who dwell both far and near
in awe before him stand!
For, lo, he spoke and it was done,
and all, with sov’reign pow’r begun,
stood firm at his command.
3. The Lord God from his throne on high
looks down with clear and searching eye
on all that dwell below.
And he that fashioned heart and mind
looks ever down on humankind
the works of all to know.
4. His eye is on all those who fear;
to those who hope, the Lord is near
according to his word.
Death cannot touch those in his hand,
nor trouble conquer in the land;
we wait upon the Lord.

First Line:
O righteous, in the Lord rejoice; how pleasant that with joyful voice
Songbook: Trinity Psalter Hymnal 2018
Page Number: 232
Song Key: A flat
Language: English
Authors: From Psalm 33; "The Psalter", 1912
Tune Name: FRANCES
Themes: Sovereignty of God
Composer: James McGranahan, 1840-1907
Includes Wide Format PowerPoint file!
- Public Domain